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—Pngtree—a laptop designed for commercial_4048531.png

This lesson highlights the transformative impact of technology on the lives of individuals with disabilities. It begins by discussing the potential of smart appliances, such as refrigerators, to autonomously order supplies when they run low. It then explores the convenience of managing entertainment and home appliances through voice commands and touch interfaces. The lesson emphasizes how technology has not only made life easier for the general population but also empowered people with special needs.

The focus shifts to Alisha, who has cerebral palsy and uses Dragon Dictate, a speech-to-text software, to overcome her challenges with typing. She shares how this technology has enabled her to pursue academic goals independently, breaking barriers she once thought impossible. The narrative extends to other assistive technologies, like eye gaze control and communication devices, which have revolutionized the lives of individuals with limited mobility.

The lesson also sheds light on the situation in India, where people with disabilities face attitudinal barriers to access, acceptance, and inclusion. It emphasizes the importance of technology in empowering individuals with disabilities, providing them with independence and freedom. Examples of young individuals like Alisha and David demonstrate how technology aids their communication, education, and participation in various activities.

Overall, technology has opened up a world of possibilities for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to overcome limitations and achieve their goals.

1. Deprived: (adjective) Suffering from a lack of basic necessities or comforts.

Synonyms: disadvantaged, impoverished, needy

Antonyms: privileged, well-off, advantaged

2. Attitudinal: (adjective) Related to attitudes or beliefs.

Synonyms: opinion-based, mindset-related, perspective-driven

Antonyms: factual, objective, unbiased

3. Grapple: (verb) Struggle or wrestle with a difficult problem or challenge.

Synonyms: contend, wrestle, tackle

Antonyms: surrender, give up, avoid

4. Exceed: (verb) Go beyond what is allowed or expected.

Synonyms: surpass, transcend, outstrip

Antonyms: fall short, fail to meet, stay within

5. Frustrating: (adjective) Causing feelings of disappointment or annoyance due to obstacles or lack of progress.

Synonyms: irritating, vexing, discouraging

Antonyms: satisfying, fulfilling, rewarding

6. Cerebral palsy: (noun) A group of disorders that affect a person's movement, posture, and muscle coordination.

Synonyms: none

Antonyms: none

7. Typing: (verb) The action of writing or inputting text on a typewriter or keyboard.

Synonyms: keyboarding, data entry

Antonyms: none

8. Dictate: (verb) Speak or read aloud for someone else to write down or to be recorded.

Synonyms: command, direct, order

Antonyms: listen, follow, obey

9. Gaze: (verb) Look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.

Synonyms: stare, gaze, peer

Antonyms: glance, glimpse, overlook

10. Augmentative: (adjective) Increasing or enhancing something, typically with the use of technology or additional support.

Synonyms: supplementary, additive, amplifying

Antonyms: diminishing, reducing, subtractive

11. Competent: (adjective) Having the necessary skill, knowledge, or qualification to do something successfully.

Synonyms: capable, proficient, skilled

Antonyms: incompetent, unskilled, inept

12. Advocate: (noun) A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

Synonyms: champion, supporter, proponent

Antonyms: opponent, critic, adversary

13. Idioms: (noun) Expressions or phrases that have a figurative meaning, different from the literal interpretation.

Synonyms: phrases, sayings, expressions

Antonyms: literal language, straightforward speech

14. Syntax: (noun) The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Synonyms: grammar, structure, composition

Antonyms: disorder, chaos, disarray

15. Bespoke: (adjective) Custom-made or tailored to a specific individual or purpose.

Synonyms: customized, personalized, tailor-made

Antonyms: standard, off-the-shelf, mass-produced

16. Predefined: (adjective) Established or determined in advance.

Synonyms: predetermined, preset, fixed

Antonyms: flexible, adjustable, variable

17. Threshold: (noun) The point or level at which something begins or changes.

Synonyms: limit, boundary, brink

Antonyms: middle, center, average

18. Consumable: (adjective) Designed to be used up or consumed.

Synonyms: expendable, depletable, perishable

Antonyms: durable, non-perishable, reusable

19. Automation: (noun) The use of technology or machinery to perform tasks without human intervention.

Synonyms: mechanization, computerization, robotics

Antonyms: manual operation, handcrafted, labor-intensive

20. Boon: (noun) Something beneficial or helpful; a blessing.

Synonyms: advantage, benefit, blessing

Antonyms: disadvantage, drawback, curse

21. Inclusion: (noun) The act of including or the state of being included; the practice of ensuring equal access and opportunities for all individuals.

Synonyms: integration, incorporation, involvement

Antonyms: exclusion, segregation, discrimination

22. Communication device: (noun) An electronic device used for communication, often designed specifically for individuals with disabilities.

Synonyms: assistive communication tool, AAC device

Antonyms: none

23. Adaptor: (noun) A device or component that allows different systems or parts to be connected or used together.

Synonyms: connector, converter, interface

Antonyms: disconnect, separation, incompatibility

24. Special needs: (noun) Requirements or accommodations necessary for individuals with physical, mental, or developmental disabilities.

Synonyms: disabilities, exceptionalities, challenges

Antonyms: typical, average, normal

25. Navigation: (noun) The process or activity of planning and directing a course or route.

Synonyms: guidance, direction, piloting

Antonyms: misdirection, confusion, disorientation

26. Access: (noun) The right or opportunity to use or benefit from something.

Synonyms: entry, admission, availability

Antonyms: exclusion, denial, restriction

27. Curriculum: (noun) The subjects and content taught in a school or educational program.

Synonyms: syllabus, course of study, program

Antonyms: none

28. Boccia: (noun) A precision ball sport similar to bocce, designed for individuals with physical disabilities.

Synonyms: none

Antonyms: none

29. Competitor: (noun) A person who takes part in a competition or contest.

Synonyms: contestant, participant, rival

Antonyms: spectator, observer, nonparticipant

30. ECO point: (noun) A system that allows control or selection through eye gaze or eye movement.

Synonyms: eye tracking, gaze-based control

Antonyms: none



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