A day in 2889 of an American Journalist
In this futuristic story set in the year 2889, Francis Bennett, the Managing Editor of the Earth Herald, wakes up feeling lonely without his wife. He uses a phonotelephote, a device that combines telephone and visual transmission, to see and speak with his wife in France. He then proceeds to his mechanized dressing room, where he gets dressed and ready for the day in a matter of minutes. In the reporters' room, Bennett's reporters use telephones and commutators to transmit news and images to subscribers around the world.
Bennett discusses astronomical reports with one of his reporters and expresses interest in receiving updates from the moon. When told that the moon is believed to be uninhabited, Bennett suggests turning it around to investigate further. Meanwhile, the Earth Herald's astronomers provide precise information about a newly discovered planet called Gandini.
The story then moves to the publicity gallery, where giant signs are projected onto clouds for advertising purposes. Bennett leaves the office and has lunch while using the phonotelephote to see and talk to his wife. After lunch, he travels in his aero-car to his accumulator works at Niagara, where he harnesses the power of the cataracts to generate electricity. He then returns to Centropolis, attending to various proposals and meeting with petitioners.
A young man presents a revolutionary idea of reducing the elements to one, which could potentially enable the creation of all forms of matter. Impressed, Bennett assigns him to the scientific editorial department. Another inventor proposes moving an entire city to the seaside, and Bennett agrees to invest in the project. The busy day concludes with Bennett enjoying a concert through the phonotelephote and arranging for his wife to return to Centropolis using submarine tubes.
Finally, exhausted, Bennett takes a bath in the office, which arrives on rails for his convenience.
Phonotelephote: A device combining telephone and visual transmission.
Synonyms: Telephonic mirror, visual telephone
Example: Francis Bennett used the phonotelephote to see and speak with his wife in France.
Telephotic: Relating to telephotic transmission or visual communication.
Synonyms: Visual, optical, pictorial
Example: The subscribers not only received the story but also the telephotic images of the events.
Commutators: Switches or devices used to establish communication connections.
Synonyms: Switches, selectors
Example: The reporters had a series of commutators in front of them to establish telephotic connections with different lines.
Astronomical: Relating to astronomy or celestial objects.
Synonyms: Celestial, cosmic
Example: The astronomical reporters provided updates on planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
Telescopes: Optical instruments used for viewing distant objects.
Synonyms: Spyglass, scope
Example: The reporters speculated that telescopes were not needed to establish communication with the moon.
Uninhabited: Not inhabited or devoid of human or animal presence.
Synonyms: Desolate, vacant
Antonyms: Inhabited, populated
Example: The face of the moon visible from Earth was believed to be uninhabited.
Mechanical: Relating to machinery or operated by machinery.
Synonyms: Automated, robotic
Example: The scientists started working on mechanical means to turn the moon around.
Elements: Fundamental substances that make up all matter.
Synonyms: Components, constituents
Example: The young inventor aimed to reduce the number of elements to one for creating different forms of matter.
Absolute: Complete or ultimate.
Synonyms: Total, unequivocal
Antonyms: Relative, conditional
Example: The young inventor claimed to have discovered the absolute, which would enable the creation of all forms of matter.
Submarine: Underwater or beneath the sea.
Synonyms: Undersea, submerged
Example: The submarine tubes allowed for rapid travel between Paris and Centropolis.
Cataracts: Large waterfalls or strong rapids.
Synonyms: Waterfalls, cascades
Example: Bennett's accumulator works harnessed the power of the cataracts at Niagara to generate electricity.
Petitioners: People who submit formal requests or appeals.
Synonyms: Applicants, supplicants
Example: Bennett listened to the proposals and requests of the petitioners seeking his attention.
Revolutionary: Innovative or groundbreaking.
Synonyms: Radical, pioneering
Example: The young man presented a revolutionary idea that could change the world of science.
Impressed: Deeply influenced or affected by something.
Synonyms: Awed, amazed
Antonyms: Unimpressed, unaffected
Example: Francis Bennett was impressed by the young man's idea and assigned him to the scientific editorial department.
Sublime: Exquisite or awe-inspiring in nature.
Synonyms: Majestic, magnificent
Antonyms: Ordinary, unimpressive
Example: Bennett enjoyed the sublime works of the great masters during the concert.
Exhausted: Completely tired or drained of energy.
Synonyms: Fatigued, depleted
Antonyms: Refreshed, energized
Example: After a busy day, Francis Bennett was exhausted and decided to take a bath before going to bed.
Mechanized: Automated or operated by machines.
Synonyms: Automated, robotic
Example: Francis Bennett's dressing room was mechanized, allowing him to get ready quickly without the assistance of a valet.
Pneumatic: Relating to or operated by air pressure or compressed air.
Synonyms: Air-powered, compressed-air
Example: The Society for Supplying Food to the Home distributed dishes through a network of pneumatic tubes.
Precision: Accuracy or exactness.
Synonyms: Accuracy, exactitude
Antonyms: Inaccuracy, imprecision
Example: Francis Bennett was pleased with the precision of the astronomical data provided by his astronomers.
Advertisement: Publicity or promotional message for a product or service.
Synonyms: Promotion, marketing
Example: The Earth Herald projected gigantic advertisements onto clouds using a network of projectors.
Audition-room: A room for listening to music or audio performances.
Synonyms: Listening room, sound room
Example: Francis Bennett relaxed in an easy-chair in the audition-room while enjoying the Central Concert.
Harmonicoalgebraic: Relating to the combination of harmony and algebraic principles.
Synonyms: Melodic-algebraic, harmonic-mathematical
Example: The musical works based on harmonicoalgebraic formulae provided a unique and pleasing experience.
Proposals: Suggestions or ideas put forward for consideration or acceptance.
Synonyms: Suggestions, recommendations
Example: Francis Bennett listened to various proposals and selected the ones that seemed promising.
Impracticable: Not capable of being put into practice or executed.
Synonyms: Infeasible, unworkable
Antonyms: Feasible, practical
Example: Bennett quickly dismissed the impracticable schemes proposed by some petitioners.
Intelligence: High level of mental capacity or intellectual ability.
Synonyms: Intellect, cleverness
Example: The young man's broad brow indicated a high degree of intelligence, impressing Francis Bennett.
Transform: Change or convert into something different.
Synonyms: Convert, alter
Example: The inventor proposed transforming the town of Saaf into a seaside resort by moving it closer to the shore.
Subscribers: Individuals who receive or have access to a service or publication.
Synonyms: Members, recipients
Example: The reporters in the Earth Herald's reporters' room transmitted news and images to subscribers worldwide.
Delighted: Extremely pleased or filled with joy.
Synonyms: Thrilled, ecstatic
Antonyms: Disappointed, displeased
Example: Francis Bennett was delighted with the precise astronomical information and eagerly awaited its publication.
Visual: Relating to sight or vision.
Synonyms: Sight-related, optical
Example: The phonotelephote allowed for the visual transmission of images and facilitated communication with distant locations.
Desolate: Barren, empty, or devoid of life or human presence.
Synonyms: Empty, deserted
Antonyms: Populated, bustling
Example: The face of the moon visible from Earth appeared desolate and devoid of any signs of habitation.